NTS solved past paper test for the post of Junior engineer in Lahore electric supply company(LESCO)

1. Intel MEI_51 microprocessor is
a. 8051
b. 8086
2. in open loop output is
a. dependent on input
b. independent of input
3. derivative of dQ/dt is know as
a. current
b. voltage
c. charge
4. transmission voltage for 20 to 25 km line is
a. 11kv
b. 33 kv
c. 200 kv
5. to reduce the conductor material in transmission voltage we do( actual question
was lengthy, this is summarized)
a. double the voltage
b. do nothing etc
6. which one is correct for synchronous generator
a. rotation is same as rotating magnetic field of stator
7. A voltage source conecting series resister is to be converted to current source
havng resister parallel with. we use
a. voltage transformation
b. current transformation
C.Source transformation
8. Close loop control system is term related to : I marked “error sensing” .
9. 10000MW consumes 3 millions of coal anually is equivalent to nuclear pants’s
enriched uranium carbon oxide ?
A. 1_5 kg UCO2 B. 10-15 kg
4. Pressure of airblast CB : 10-30 KG/M2
10. function of counter register ?
Program Counter (PC) holds the address of the next instruction to execute
11.Difference between FM &AM ? don’t remember options
12.definition of generator.
13.33 kv and 66 kv voltages?
a)minor transients
c)flutter voltages
d)subtransmission voltages
14.diac is a 2 terminal ?
a) 4 layer device
b)3 layer
15.inverse of even function?
a) even
d)doesn’t exist
16.The dynamic system with no input is lyapunov stability
17.superposition equivalent?
a) norton
b) thev
C) both
18.kcl ?
a) current entering and leaving is zero
19.t/x voltage?
a) 110 kv
B)250 kv
C)400 kv
D)500 KV
20.y’ + 2x is equal 4 (x+1)2 ?
a) first order
b)2nd order
21.vS Equal Ns dphi/dt?
a) lenz law
b) faraday
c) columbs
22.for two boolean i/p values,variables?
23.Alternator eddy current is
A)directly proportional to thicknes
B)inversily proportional to thickness
C)square of thickness
D)cube of thickness
24.rectifier with operatinal amplifier
a)passive b)active c)saturated D)non saturated
25.Dynamic controller
A)PID B)harolap C)lyepor etc
26.Aeroderivative turbine does not have
B)fuel intake system
27.for open interval function we use
A)derivative B)not derivative C)dependent D)independent
28.LANGUAGE USED IN house wiring automatic control is
C++ , assembly, Ladder logic, basic, fortran
29.Moderator used in nuclear power plant = graphite
30.Air blast circuit breaker has pressure range
2-3, 20-30, 200-300, 2000-3000
31.For inductors in parallel 10mH, 10.5mH, 20mH, 20.5mH, equivalent
32. For inductors in series 10mH, 20,mH, 25mH, 5mH, equivalent inductance=
33.Shunt generator has shunt winding in parallel with armature winding. The
advantage is:
Only require one exciter, does not require exciter,
34.Leakage inductance in transformer is made
high, low, zero, medium
35.The machine used to generate induce current by the mechanical output
transformer, generator, motor, 2 more options
36.Avogedro number wala numerical
37. Which of the following is incorrect about BJT and FET
both are good switching device, power consumption is high other options????
38.Difference between amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM)
39.Inverting Amplifier wala numerical + diagram whose options are
12, -12, 6, -6, 0
40.Which of the following is normal operation of n-p-n transistor
emmitor to base junction is forward biase and collector to base junction
reverse biase

emmitor to base junction is forward biase and collector to base junction forward
emmitor to base junction is reverse biase and collector to base junction reverse
emmitor to base junction is reverse biase and collector to base junction forward
41.Partial derivative of fxy and fyx are called
proper derivative, improper derivative, mixed derivative, universal derivative
42._______ of fxy and fyx are simultanous mixed derivative
derivative, integral
43.1/cosinx this equation is called (equation)
eular , dilichit, gibbs (something like that), other options?????
44.Plant has maximum load of 325MW, capcity of 350MW, average load is 250MW,
load capacitve factor is 0.65. load factor is:
0.8, 0.67, 0.5
45.Fourier transform of continues time function gives
continues frequency continuous time response, discrete frequency discrete time
response, discrete frequency continuous time response, continues frequency
discrete time response
46.If large load is disconnected suddenly from power plant, then:
turbine speed will increase and frequency increase
turbine speed will decrease and frequency decrease
47.If power plant fail to give power to particular area due to large load, it is refer to:
load shadding (options)
48.The function having infinite value
open, close, dependant, indepandant
49.White noise
50.time shift and time scale
51.f[x]=f[x-xn] shift right, shift left
52.optical device measure refraction
drummeter, durameter, opto , declipmeter
53.probability of number 2 when dice is thrown 1/6
54. rlc impedence under root (R2 + Xc2 + XL2)
55.r=2ohm, c=1F, L=1H in parallel, impedence
56.phasor diagram gives magnitude and phase angle
57.sum of displacement is equal to
work done, equivalent displacement vector
58._________ detects fault …… relay
59.which of the following statement is correct.
A. slip ring is used in ac while commutator is used in dc
B. commutator is used in ac and slip ring is used in dc
C. commutator is used in both
60.Standing wave Ratio is (SWR)
A.Maximum impedance to minimum impedance
B.peak voltage to RMS voltage
C.maximum voltage to max current
D.max current to min voltg
E.max voltg to min voltage
and C=1F
is connected…….
the circuits shows
A. overdamed
B. underdamedp
C. Critically damped
62.In the following equation…..
A. X<R
B. X>R
C. X=R
63.Conjuction x^y is know as
A. Addition
B. Multiplication
C. Subtraction
D. Division
64.In an induction motor when air gap is increased then magnetizing current
increases while short circuit current will
A. Decrease
2. Increase
3. Initially increase then stabilized
4. Initially decreased then stabilized
5. Remain unchanged
65.first generation devices use
vacuum tubes
66. Oscilloscope measure
A. Current
B. Voltage
C. Capacitance
67.In oscilloscope vertical axis represent volt/div then horizontal axis represent
Ans. Time/div
68.The impedance offered by the system to the flow of negative sequence current is
called negative sequence impedance .
69.Conversion stage from continues to discret is
1 ) sampling 2 ) quantization 3) decoding
70.Value of j is -1 under root (-1)
71.The fact as to how closely the instrument reading follows the measured variables
is called the
72.In a video channel there is modulation and ________
73.The direction of rotation and magnetic field are PERPENDICULAR
74.Asymptotic Stability of system is defined by
(a) Eigenvalues
(b)Poles & Zeros
(c)response to impulse input
(d)None of above
75.Differential equation of flow meter qi=Adh/dt
76.Function is ______ if lies in open interval.
77.baseband analog intensity modulation is done by modulating ______ applied to
78.The ones’ complement of a binary number is defined as the value obtained by
inverting all the bits in the binary representation of the number (swapping 0s
for 1s and vice versa)
79.In superposition theorem the voltage source is replaced by
a. close circuit
b. open circuit
c.short circuit
80.To read bit from port P(0.1) and write it to port (3.0), instruction used is a) mov C,
P0.1 mov P0.3, C
81.In closed loop system feed back strategy is : (Error Driven)
a) input dependent
b) error driven
c) output dependent
82.sampling rate must be at least ______the bandwidth of signal…
equal,twice,thrice,4 times, 5 times
83.Three line shorted – symmetrical fault
84.When height of tower is increased…effect on capacitance and inductance
capacitance decreases and inductance reamins same
85.In Parallel RLC circuit, If R=1, L=2, C=2, the value of natural frequency is ?
86.impedence of series RLC circuit
87.trans resistance
88.one current source
89.Fault Cause by Lighting and Storms
Single line to ground fault
90.In low head power plants,
Low volume & high presssure
Low volume & low pressure
High volume & low pressure
91.If line or load impedance decreased. X= (3R)^1/2 something
(A) reduce transient
(B) Reduce Line losses
(C) Steady State Stability
92.In clamping circuit, we add dc level
93.Plasma frequency problem

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