Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is_____________?
A. Wajib
B. Mustahab
C. Sunnah
D. Nafl (FPSC Repeated MCQ)
Seclusion is Sunnah in the month of Ramzan. Another kind of Seclusion is Wajib its meaning is_______?
A. Imperative
B. Obligation
C. Ordained
D. valid
How many types of Tawaf are there_______________?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. seven
Tawaf-e-Rukan is _______________ component of Hajj?
A. Nafil
B. Farz
C. Wajib
D. Sunnat
Tawaf Al-Qudum is________________?
A. Nafil
B. Farz
C. Wajib
D. Sunnat
How many obligatory Acts of Hajj are there________?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Name the place which is called the Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran_________?
A. Mina
B. Arafat
C. Muzdalfa
D. Hateem
There are _______________ types of Hajj?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
A person who has an intention to offer Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?
A. Qaran
B. Mufrid
C. Mutamtae
D. None of them (FPSC Repeated MCQ)