How To Crack MCQs for Electrical Engineering Tests in NTS and FPSC for Scoring Maximum Marks

Autonomous govt institutions and private organizations hire testing agencies for conducting recruitment tests. NTS is mostly popular for conducting screening tests for posts of junior engineers/AM/SDOs. Federal govt recruitments are carried out by FPSC for the posts of BPS 16 and above. Gazetted posts of provincial governments are recruited through their respective provincial public service commissions.

In this post, I will share strategies and tips to get more marks in tests of electrical engineering. Read this carefully so that you can fully understand the techniques.

Read the Syllabus Multiple Times:

The syllabus is specified for all exams.The syllabus is available on the website of the testing agency. Go through the syllabus of exam very deeply.Read the contents again and again. After getting idea about the contents of syllabus then the next step is to gather study material.

Prepare study Material

As an experienced person, I advise you to prepare deeply the books and seek the help of the web and youtube if you have plenty of time ahead of the exam. Collect books and study material and prepare your notes in a well manner.Go through the past papers of the exam.It is mostly observed that most questions are repeated again and again in papers. A person who prepares past papers gets good marks.

Now come to the main point. FPSC and NTS MCQs are mostly copied from Websites and a few MCQs books.The most popular book for preparation are:

Best MCQs Books of electrical engineering:

Objective type electrical engineering books of V.K Mehta, Handa and B.L theraja.

Websites for Electrical Engineering Portion:



Go through these books and websites again and again so that you can memorize them well.Prepare past paper very well.You can find past papers in different relevant facebook groups and on some websites.


As there are huge number of multiple choice questions there is a probability of confusion in answering them.Revise them well again and again.After following this strategy you will get a good score in these exams. I personally did this and cracked most of these exams. These exams contains mostly field relevant portion along with few questions of english and general knowledge.

In conclusion, preparing for an electrical engineering multiple-choice question (MCQ) test requires a focused and strategic approach. Here are some key takeaways to help you prepare for your upcoming electrical engineering MCQ test:

  1. Know the test format and content: Before you begin studying, it’s essential to understand the test format and content. Review the test specifications, understand the weightage of different topics and types of questions, and familiarize yourself with the testing interface.
  2. Develop a study plan: A study plan will help you organize your preparation and ensure you cover all the necessary topics. Consider allocating more time to areas where you need more practice and focus on building a strong foundation in fundamental concepts.
  3. Practice, practice, practice: Practice is key to success on any MCQ test. Utilize practice tests, online resources, and other study materials to improve your skills and knowledge. As you practice, work on improving your speed, accuracy, and ability to quickly analyze and solve complex problems.
  4. Review and revisit: After you have completed your initial study and practice, review and revisit topics that were challenging for you. Make sure to review all of the incorrect answers you received on practice tests and try to understand why you made mistakes.
  5. Stay calm and focused during the test: Finally, on test day, remember to stay calm and focused. Take breaks as needed, manage your time effectively, and do your best to answer each question accurately.

By following these strategies, you can be well-prepared for your upcoming electrical engineering MCQ test and give yourself the best chance of success.

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