General knowledge MCQs SET 6I MCQS for Competitive Exams,NTS,FPSC

General Knowledge MCQS SET 6 for NTS,CSS,FPSC and all Competitive Exams

Which Muslim scientist wrote first book on Algebra ?

A. Al-Khwarizmi 
B. Ibn Sina
C. Archimedes
D. Euclid

G5 Countries are Brazil, South Africa, China, India and _________?

A. Mexico
B. France
C. Argentina
D. None of these

Countries surrounding Caspian sea are Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran and ___________?

A. Kazakhstan
B. Lebanon
C. Maldives
D. None of these

G7 Countries are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and ________?

B. Mexico
C. China
D. None of these

UAE is the federation of ______ states?

A. 7
B. 10
C. 9
D. None of these

Who invented softball?

A. George Stewart
B. George Hancock
C. Robert Lewis
D. None of these

Currency of Ukraine _______?

A. Hryvnia
B. Lira
C. Tolar
D. None of these

Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of ________?

A. China
B. Indonesia
C. America
D. Brunei

Andalusia is a region of __________?

A. Indonesia
B. Turkey
C. Russia
D. Spain

Cordoba is a city located in_______?

A. Iran
B. Spain
C. Egypt
D. Turkey

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